Posted on 21 July 2012

Meet the Maker ~ Precious Pieces

Meet The Maker


Today we have the pleasure of getting to know Jess from Precious Pieces a little bit better, so Jess¦.

Tell us about your business:
Precious Pieces sells affordable Australian made clothing for girls in sizes 0-3.
Our business is mostly online, we attend markets occasionally and we are slowly bringing some stockists on board.
Everything we sell at Precious Pieces is sourced from Australian companies to support the local community. I design and make all of the Precious Pieces garments myself and my mum makes all of the ˜Made by Jo knitwear. We work together as a team to give customers a boutique shopping experience without the boutique price tag.
Most styles are one off and there is only one per size per style made “ with the exception of our basics.

What inspired you to start your business?
I started Precious Pieces in 2011 to indulge my passions of sewing and supporting Australian designers and products.
Australian made product should be accessible and affordable. I have always felt that parents should be able to dress their children in one off boutique pieces “ without the boutique price tag!

Is there an interesting anecdote behind your business name?
Every child is precious so it seemed fitting.

What is the most satisfying part of what you do?
Creating original Australian made products and offering them at reasonable prices.

Have you tried something in business that didnt work as planned, or on the flip side “ worked out better than expected?
We have recently started attending markets to sell our products and make our brand familiar to consumers. Some markets work and some markets dont. Its all a learning curve and if we dont try it I guess we will never know!
Regardless of whether or not the markets have been successful, the feedback from consumers has been invaluable “ that is something that you dont really receive when you are running an online business.

What would be your best tip for someone thinking about selling their handcrafted goods?
Have a look on the web at sites that sell and support hand made product and businesses.
Think about selling products at some markets to start with, the consumer feedback is invaluable. Before booking market stalls (as some can be costly) start by attending some markets that you would be interested in having a stall at. Take a look around at the other stalls and the customers at the markets “ are they the right target market for your business? Is anyone else selling the same or similar product to you? How have they set their stall up to make the most of the space?

What is your favourite item you make?
I love making my leggings and t-shirts they make the perfect outfit and we are very happy with the prices that we can offer on these garments.

Any personal or business highlights in the last year:
Our online store went live in February and it has been rewarding to watch the website hits and sales grow since.

3 things about you (not business related) that people might not know:

  • I love to travel.
  • I love coffee “ cant get enough of it!
  • I believe in Karma “ what goes around will eventually come around.

Thank you Jess, it has been a pleasure meeting you, the maker!

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