The Supreme Ruler of Handmade Kids, my boss, my companion since primary school, the person who introduced me to hypercolour and fluoro earrings, my pal who I would share my last chardy with “ Jemma – has tootled off on holidays where there are spa baths, grape vines (which will no doubt lead to tasting of grape juice!), and warm spring sunshine.
So that means she has left ME ME ME in complete control of things around here [insert evil maniacal laughter here]!
It has made me think of the old saying ˜while the cat’s away, the mice will play. So I’ve found us some adorable kitty stuff!
(Tomorrow I’ll show you the awesome mousy things that I’ve found … and the day after that – I might take over the WORLD!!!).
1. Kitten print skirt from Original Kidz 2. Cat softie LeahKL
3. Kitty print by Dudley Redhead 4. Kitten hair elastic Wallflower
Seriously, Jem, I promise to play nicely!