Welcome to our new blog space – we have now swapped over from our old site to our new WordPress home. Hope you enjoy our new layout!
Pre-children I was never a huge follower of fashion (although I have to admit, I did follow the ra ra skirt & elastic belt craze), however after having my children I started to take an interest all those gorgeous things available for kids.
Then I discovered the online shopping for kids world a few years ago. I also discovered just how many talented and unique things there are out there for kids that are handmade.
When mentioning handmade a lot of people tend to think of the items your mum may have made you as a child when she refused to buy you that expensive label item – I can remember my mum telling me should would get a Billabong label and sew it on another shirt once and I wouldn’t even know the difference.
So if you know of anyone who is a crafter of handmade, please send me a link or let them know about this blog.
If it is Australian made and made for kids, then we would love to feature it.
Post – by Jemma