I’m a big fan of Tutus & Muddy Shoes and follow all their new goings on on their FB page with eager anticipation! I’ve been stalking the lovely Anneliese and coerced, begged and pleaded her into spending five minutes with us to tell us all about her lovely store!
Tell us a little about how your business came to life.
Like most ladies who become WAHMs who sew I have always been creative dabbling in all different craffts, but it was the birth of my daughter that really bought my sewing to life. I kept seeing gorgeous dresses in the shops and I wanted so many of them that I started to make Miss K some dresses and nappy pants. Friends and random strangers would ask where I got them and I started getting orders. Madeit.com.au was my first online shop and I was so blown away when my first ever online order came through from someone I didn’t know.
Can you remember your first sale of one of your items? What was it? How did you feel?
Yes, absolutely! It was a custom order for a Par Avion Pinafore (still possibly my fave dress!). When the message came through from the customer I ran around the house squealing to my husband. I was so excited. I think the kids thought I was a bit of a loony and they were right. Lol!
Is there an interesting anecdote behind your business name?
The business name came to me in the middle of the night when I was up feeding my daughter. I wanted something for boys and girls and it had to be catchy. And what kids don’t like mud! I did make tutus at the beginning as well, so that is where the tutus came from.
Where does most of your creating take place?
I am very lucky to have a wonderful husband who let me have the spare room as my craft room, so that is where it all takes place most of the time.
What is your favourite item that you make? Show and tell!
My favourite item is the She’ll be Apples dress. It is just such a classic dress. I never tire of it!
What is your most favourite handcrafted item you have brought?
My favourite handcrafted item was something I bought for my daughter. It is a fairy door from Monkeytail and Wellington. It is just so pretty and I love that the imagination possibilities are endless, for both her and I.
What would be your best tip for someone thinking about selling their handcrafted goodies online?
Just do it. You have nothing to loose. You will have such fun, and meet so many wonderful people you never would have otherwise.
What do you love most about what you do?
At first I thought this was an easy question, but there is so much I love about what I do. Being my own boss. Working around the kids. Creating gorgeous things for my customers. The beautiful emails I get from my customers. Working with gorgeous fabrics. Being surrounded by loads of talented people that I never would of discovered if it hadnt been for my little venture.
So I guess the thing I love the most is everything!
Thanks Anneliese – I’ll stop with the stalking now!
Tutus & Muddy Shoes offer fabulous clothing as well as {my favourite} coffee sleeves and journal covers! {Highly recommend you start stalking too!}
Caz xx