Learn to Crochet
Posted on 18 February 2015

Learn to Crochet with Brisstyle

Craft/ Craft Class/ Event/ Learn/ Make

Last week I started the process of ticking something off my ‘to-do-list for 2015’. I started my ‘learn to crochet’ journey.

Perfectly timed, an email newsletter from Brisstyle popped up in my inbox and there was an introductory Learn to Crochet class – using tshirt yarn to create a soft bowl. I have always admired those crocheted bowls and baskets that you see at local handmade markets and thought I’d love to learn the process to make one myself (ok, so my bowl may be a little way off that quality just yet)..

Learn to Crochet


This workshop was held in the lovely Brisstyle HQ in Brisbane, in a colourful and craft-inspired creative space. The class was led by the lovely Kath Chown from Handmade High Street.

I’ve never crocheted, or really even knitted in my life, so was wondering just how much I was going to be able to pick up from one class. But I tell you, Kath was a great teacher and explained every little step so clearly and preciously that I walked out of the class with one fully completed bowl and one on the way (which I finished when I got home). Wow, I have my first bowl – mind you its a bit lop-sided, but has heaps of ‘character’- lol!


A crafty place to create

A crafty place to create- Brisstyle HQ Brisbane


Learning to crochet

Here goes my first attempt at a Tshirt yarn Bowl


Starting my second bowl

Starting my second bowl – love these coloured yarns


Learning to crochet class by Kath Chown

Kath Chown teaching the class to crochet


Brisstyle has a great selection of workshops coming up (sorry if you’re not in SE Qld), head to their website to find out all the details – HERE.

Crochet Workshops at Brisstyle

Crochet Workshops at Brisstyle HQ


Have you had a project or activity on your to-do-list for a long time? Share what you would like to tick off your list this year.

What is on your to-do-list this year?

 Learn to Crochet with Brisstyle

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  • Handmade High Street 18 February 2015 at 5:15 PM

    Thanks so much! So lovely to have you in the class and you have done splendidly 🙂 Kath

    • blank
      Handmade Kids 18 February 2015 at 8:06 PM

      Thanks Kath 🙂 Look forward to the next session !

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