DIY make your own Terrarium
Posted on 24 May 2012

DIY: Make your own Terrarium

Craft/ DIY/ Hand Made Blog/ Make/ Tutorial
DIY make your own Terrarium

This is a super easy, fun little project that the kids will love! A little indoor garden that your kids can water and look after on their own.

Supplies needed

You will need:

  • A glass jar – it can be one with or without a lid.
  • Rocks or pebbles
  • Charcoal – available at garden centres, hardware stores or even pet shops
  • Potting mix
  • Moss – I dug mine up from a shady moist area in the garden
  • Gloves
  • An assortment of succulents and/or cacti. Succulents are great as cuttings – why not take a piece off a plant you may already have around the home


How to make your terrarium:

1. Take your clean glass jar and make a layer in the base with your rocks or pebbles. On top of the rock layer, make another layer with your charcoal. This will create a drainage system in your jar.

Layer your rocks and bark

2. On top of your charcoal, make a layer with the moss. This will stop the potting mix from falling through your charcoal and rocks.

Layer of moss

3. Next layer your potting mix. Be sure to wear your gloves for this part. Once the potting mix is in, arrange your plants so that they look good. At this stage if you have room, you may even want to ad some little plastic figurines. I think some little animals might look good, maybe some dinosaurs…….

Finished terrarium

4. Arrange any left over pebbles or rocks around the top layer and you are done.

cacti and succulents

Told you it was easy and fun!

We would love to see your creations, so if you have a go at making one, please pop your link in the comments section below so we can have a look too.


DIY: Make your own Terrarium

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