The Handmade Cooperative together with the handmade community are joining forces again this year for a wonderful cause – ‘pillowcases for oncology kids’ !
Pillowcases for oncology kids is a charity that was set up by 15 year old Brittany, a cancer survivor herself, to create and donate pillowcases to oncology kids in hospitals around Australia. You can visit her charity here.

Its not too late to join us!
Join the Handmade Cooperative and an ever growing list of handmade businesses and individuals to create unique handmade pillowcases that will be hand delivered to Brittany and her charity. All the finer details can be found here at the Handmade Cooperative website.
I don’t sew but want to help out !
There are two other ways you can help out.
1- Help advertise the challenge! Tell your friends, Tweet about the challenge, do a Facebook shoutout, Pin the challenge picture (above) to one of your boards, write a blog post. Just do something to spread the word about this Challenge and about this wonderful charity.
2- Made a Donation. If you don’t sew, you might like to make a financial donation to POK. POK has a number of costs, one of these being postage of pillowcases all over Australia. You can directly deposit money into their Charity Account at:
Account Name: Pillowcases for Oncology Kids
BSB: 062585
Account Number: 10762249
Please use your surname in the description and email POK directly informing them of your donation.
Online Sewing Patterns
The follow pillowcase tutorials are recommended by POK
1. You Go Girl!: Posh Pillowcase
2. 44th Street Fabric: Quick Pillowcase Tutorial
Handmade Cooperative also thinks this pillowcase is worthy of a mention:
Notes from the Patch: Pillowcases. NB: This pattern includes downloadable instructions.